
Young Fire Academy Policy Document

 Policies contained in this document:  

1. Student Engagement 

2. Communication 

3. Confidentiality 

4. GDPR 

5. DBS Check 

6. Cancellations 

7. Refund Policy 

8. Complaints 

9. Safeguarding Policy 

10. Online Safety Agreement 

1. Student Engagement  

A. The weekly Student Coaching Calls are best joined from a completely private room where the  student feels comfortable in their own space and safe in the sense that no parent or sibling is  over-hearing what they are saying or what is being said. Headphones can also aid in bringing  about a greater sense of privacy, autonomy and freedom in the building of this new  

relationship with Henry. In addition to this it is best if the calls are joined from a static device  with best internet connectivity, a desk space to write on and a comfortable upright seating  arrangement to aid concentration and application as well as alertness and engagement. 

B. Students should also be supported where needed to show up for the sessions in an optimal  state, eg well rested, clear-headed, not hungry or thirsty etc. 

2. Communication  

Parent Communication  

1. Parent to Henry - It is very useful for Henry to receive a weekly email from the lead parent prior  to each session highlighting any key events from the week and giving input for suggested topics /  adapted goals we may include in the session.   

2. Henry to Parent - You will receive a recorded Whatsapp voice message as feedback after every  session 

Student Communication  

Often this is an aspect of accountability, growing maturity / responsibility & self direction that  comes in from Month 2 but this, as with everything, is dependent on the student in question and  their specific needs. Henry generally uses text message, email or Discord to communicate  directly with students according to their preferences. 

3. Confidentiality  

All calls with Students and Parents are recorded and filed safely for Henry's reference only (in  accordance with our GDPR and Safeguarding Policies). 

All communication from the parent with Henry is kept completely confidential from outside parties. 

Sometimes Henry will share details from the Student calls with the Parent in question if there is  any risk or responsibility he needs to share or pass over to the Parent, as legal guardian, and  equally if there is a perceived opportunity for empowerment of Parent or Student by sharing  certain information from each side. 

4. GDPR  

We will hold your data, in accordance with GDPR guidelines, for the express purpose of delivering  the Mentorship Programme, through Young Fire Academy. Our GDPR Policy is available to view  on request. 

5. DBS Check  

Henry Dingle’s DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) Check Certificate number is 001041207080.

6. Cancellations  

Student Cancellation  

All sessions are pre-booked by mutual agreement, in advance, for the 4-week period ahead and  are non-refundable if cancelled.  Henry will do everything he can to be flexible, responsive  and accommodating to any unforeseeable circumstances and will do everything he can to reschedule sessions whenever possible. However, if a replacement session can't be found, the session will be forfeited.

Mentor Cancellation  

If the mentor is unable to carry out the work arranged for any reason, we will let you know as soon  as possible, and do whatever we can to find a suitable alternative time for the session missed in  that same week or push the whole programme schedule back a week. 

7. Refund Policy  

For the results of the 12-Week Mentorship Programme to be achieved, full and open participation  is required, by both students and parents, for all 12 weeks.

The payment for the first four weeks is non-refundable.

From the 5th week onwards,  if for any reason, you, your child or Henry decide not to continue with the programme, you will be refunded a proportion of the remaining programme, based on the number of weeks remaining. For example, if you you cancelled after Week 4 (eg with 8 weeks remaining), you would receive 8/12 of the cost of the full programme. If you cancelled after Week 7 (5 weeks remaining), you would receive 5/12 of the cost of the full programme, etc.

8. Complaints  

The complaints procedure is as follows: 

  1. Clients can make a complaint directly to Henry Dingle via telephone, email or other online  communication. Complaints will be acknowledged and openly listened to. 
  2. The Details of the complaint will be recorded. 
  3. Any further information / facts will be gathered to support a full understanding of the details  and circumstances related to the complaint. 
  4. A follow up discussion will take place to discern what is needed to fix the problem. 5. Young Fire Academy will endeavour to take swift action to resolve complaints.

9. Safeguarding Policy  

Young Fire Academy is responsible for ensuring that children engaging with us are not  harmed in any way through contact with us. Young Fire Academy’s policy is that:

  • The interests and wellbeing of the students are central to everything we do; • The rights, wishes and feelings of the students are respected; 
  • All reasonable practicable steps are taken to protect students from neglect, and physical,  sexual and emotional abuse; 
  • All concerns, and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to  appropriately; 
  • We are committed to safe recruitment, selection and vetting of staff; • All staff are familiar with, understand and follow this policy. 

The full Safeguarding Policy is available on request. 

10. Online Safety Agreement  

Students using Young Fire Academy’s online mentoring support need to agree to  the following: 

  • I will be responsible for my behaviour when participating in Young Fire Academy’s  online mentoring calls. 
  • This includes the resources I share and the language I use.   
  • I will not send anyone in Young Fire Academy (staff or other young people) material  that could be reasonably considered threatening, bullying, offensive or illegal.
  • I will maintain the confidentiality agreement of the online mentoring calls. • I will not attend the online mentoring sessions when under the influence of drugs or  alcohol. 
  • If I am concerned or upset about anything I see or any messages that I receive from  a mentor or other students, I understand I can talk to my parents/guardians or the  Safeguarding Officer. 
  • I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe and that if I choose not  to follow them, Young Fire Academy may contact my parents/guardians.