
16 week 1:1 Teen Coaching Sign Up Page

When signing up for the 1:1 Teen Coaching Programme, you will set up a subscription of £750 per month for 4 months. Each monthly subscription payment covers 4 weeks of the 16-week programme, which we track in your client account. Depending on holiday times, you may finish your 4 monthly payments, and still continue the coaching sessions, until the full 16 coaching weeks have been completed. Sometimes, due to term times and specific goals you'd like to achieve, the programme finishes a little earlier or later than the regular 16-weeks. This can be confirmed with Henry and we will adjust your final payments accordingly.

Please set your payment up by clicking the 'sign up here' button. You will then receive your onboarding instructions, including details of your Teen's weekly Zoom calls.

If for some unforeseeable reason or circumstance the first 2 weeks aren't a great success, then you have the option to cancel the full 6-months subscription and direct debit payments at that point. The full term of the coaching programme, and the full commitment that comes with that, is required for the profound and life long results we are setting out to achieve. 

Please see the 2024 Calendar below. There will be no coaching calls during the weeks hi-lighted in grey, apart from specific holiday sessions that have been pre-agreed.
